Patient Testimonials for Northwoods Family Chiropractic
(906) 265-9000
© 2024 Northwoods Family Chiropractic Iron County Michigan. Website by North Country Website Design
Northwoods Family Chiropractic - Iron River Address: 202 W. Adams St​; Iron River, MI 49935 Office Phone: (906) 265-9000 | Fax: (906) 265-9009 Email:

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Patient Testimonials

I would tell a friend that I love

the environment the employees

and doctors have. They have

warming personalities.” –

Jennifer B.

“I’ve called at 6:55 am and was

in at 7:30 am. Great service.” -

Rodney D.

“Dr. Kim is phenomenal, always

high spirited and friendly. She

truly cares about her patients.

She takes the time to listen to

my concerns, she never rushes

through my assessments or ad-

justments and always stretches

my neck. They are flexible with

my schedule and will let me

come in without an appointment

when needed.” - Lisa F.

“A weekly visit keeps my

headaches gone completely.

Without the headaches it’s just

a better life all around. It’s al-

ways a very nice experience at

your clinic. The kindness and

how well you’re treated sets you

apart from other chiropractors.”

- David

“I felt welcomed the first day I

walked in and it just keeps get-

ting better with every visit. I’ve

never felt pressured to do or

buy anything I was uncomfort-

able with. Never felt like they

wanted to make money off of

me. Always felt like my health

and care has been #1!” - Teri

“Don’t expect rapid results. Your

body heals at its own pace. It

took a while for the pain to de-

velop (sometimes years) so it

will take a while to heal.” - Bea

“The Dr. and all the staff are

very kind and helpful. I feel com-

fortable asking questions.

Continued care has helped me

to feel more healthy! - Patty

“Since my first appointment I

have felt so welcomed and loved

here. Every one of the staff is

wonderful. The Dr. explains

things thoroughly, he always

recommends that I don’t overdo

it. The adjustments make me

feel so much better every time I

get one. It helps my body move

better. I would highly recom-

mend this office!” - Dorothy

“The Dr. and staff were very in-

formative and had explanations

for all (my) questions. They

treated me respectful and lis-

tened to my complaints. The Dr.

sincerely listened and was kind

and honest. After treatment I

felt great. No more pain and (I

have) normal mobility. They are

always caring and willing to

help!” - Jeff

“I love this program (athletic

program). My boys have never

been healthier while playing a

sport! I was never a believer in

chiropractic until I saw what this

program did for the boys.” –


“We love coming here. Everyone

is very friendly, and my son also

enjoys it as well. It has helped

my neck and shoulders a lot.” -


“Welcoming, the staff is amazing

and very kind and understand-

ing. Always make time for pa-

tients. Overall, they make me

feel like family.” - Roxanne D.

“They not only adjust my body

but I’m given exercises and

pointers on how I might better

hold adjustments and improve

my posture so I will be able to

continue to do the things I love

to do.” - M.F.

“Kathi runs the front office with

the skill of a circus juggler, and

always has time with each client

to say hello and make them feel

welcome and special.” -

Elizabeth “Betty”

“Chiropractic care has been the

ONLY care that has provided me

some level of relief.” - Tammy

“I had a sprained lower back and

was at an 8 or 9 pain level; I had

headaches to go with that. This

limited me from taking care of

our chickens. I have had no

headaches since the first week

of care and my lower back into

the second weekend already

showed huge improvements.” -


"If it wasn't for Northwoods

Family Chiropractic and the

doctors, I would be in constant

pain! - Dawn

"I have been here a short time

and so far this practice and staff

is (are) great! (They) Go step by

step to make sure I understand

all they are going to fix with me.

The care is gentle and caring, all

questions i have are answered

to its fullest. I am very happy

with all my care and the staff is

great! I would highly recom-

mend coming to see the Dr. and

the staff here. - Bonnie

“I fell off of my garage roof and

even though I felt fine, I had dif-

ficulty using my arm and my

neck was in pain. I went to

Northwoods Chiropractic and in

about 3 visits I felt the pain and

stiffness leaving my arm and

neck. In a couple moths I am

very happy. No pain in my arm

or neck. I can sleep without pain.

Do all my tasks pain free and it’s

all because of my adjustments at

Northwoods Family

Chiropractic. Thank you! Dr.

Kim.” – Rocky

Hours: Sunday: CLOSED Monday: 7 AM-11 AM, 12 PM-4 PM Tuesday: CLOSED Wednesday: 8 AM-12 PM, 1 PM-5 PM Thursday: CLOSED Friday: 7 AM-11 AM, 12 PM-4 PM Saturday: CLOSED
© 2024 Northwoods Family Chiropractic Iron County Michigan. Website by North Country Website Design
Northwoods Family Chiropractic - Iron River Address: 202 W. Adams St​; Iron River, MI 49935 Office Phone: (906) 265-9000 | Fax: (906) 265-9009 Email: Sunday: CLOSED Monday: 7 AM-11 AM, 12 PM-4 PM Tuesday: CLOSED Wednesday: 8 AM-12 PM, 1 PM-5 PM Thursday: CLOSED Friday: 7 AM-11 AM, 12 PM-4 PM Saturday: CLOSED

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Patient Testimonials

I would tell a friend that I

love the environment the

employees and doctors

have. They have warming

personalities.” – Jennifer B.

“I’ve called at 6:55 am and

was in at 7:30 am. Great

service.” - Rodney D.

“Dr. Kim is phenomenal, al-

ways high spirited and

friendly. She truly cares

about her patients. She

takes the time to listen to

my concerns, she never

rushes through my assess-

ments or adjustments and

always stretches my neck.

They are flexible with my

schedule and will let me

come in without an ap-

pointment when needed.” -

Lisa F.

“A weekly visit keeps my

headaches gone com-

pletely. Without the

headaches it’s just a better

life all around. It’s always a

very nice experience at

your clinic. The kindness

and how well you’re

treated sets you apart from

other chiropractors.” -


“I felt welcomed the first

day I walked in and it just

keeps getting better with

every visit. I’ve never felt

pressured to do or buy any-

thing I was uncomfortable

with. Never felt like they

wanted to make money off

of me. Always felt like my

health and care has been

#1!” - Teri

“Don’t expect rapid results.

Your body heals at its own

pace. It took a while for the

pain to develop (sometimes

years) so it will take a while

to heal.” - Bea

“The Dr. and all the staff are

very kind and helpful. I feel

comfortable asking ques-

tions. Continued care has

helped me to feel more

healthy! - Patty

“Since my first appointment

I have felt so welcomed and

loved here. Every one of the

staff is wonderful. The Dr.

explains things thoroughly,

he always recommends

that I don’t overdo it. The

adjustments make me feel

so much better every time I

get one. It helps my body

move better. I would highly

recommend this office!” -


“The Dr. and staff were very

informative and had expla-

nations for all (my) ques-

tions. They treated me

respectful and listened to

my complaints. The Dr. sin-

cerely listened and was

kind and honest. After

treatment I felt great. No

more pain and (I have) nor-

mal mobility. They are al-

ways caring and willing to

help!” - Jeff

“I love this program (ath-

letic program). My boys

have never been healthier

while playing a sport! I was

never a believer in chiro-

practic until I saw what this

program did for the boys.” –


“We love coming here.

Everyone is very friendly,

and my son also enjoys it as

well. It has helped my neck

and shoulders a lot.” -


“Welcoming, the staff is

amazing and very kind and

understanding. Always

make time for patients.

Overall, they make me feel

like family.” - Roxanne D.

“They not only adjust my

body but I’m given exer-

cises and pointers on how I

might better hold adjust-

ments and improve my pos-

ture so I will be able to

continue to do the things I

love to do.” - M.F.

“Kathi runs the front office

with the skill of a circus jug-

gler, and always has time

with each client to say hello

and make them feel wel-

come and special.” -

Elizabeth “Betty”

“Chiropractic care has been

the ONLY care that has pro-

vided me some level of re-

lief.” - Tammy

“I had a sprained lower

back and was at an 8 or 9

pain level; I had headaches

to go with that. This limited

me from taking care of our

chickens. I have had no

headaches since the first

week of care and my lower

back into the second week-

end already showed huge

improvements.” - Ashley

"If it wasn't for Northwoods

Family Chiropractic and the

doctors, I would be in con-

stant pain! - Dawn

"I have been here a short

time and so far this practice

and staff is (are) great!

(They) Go step by step to

make sure I understand all

they are going to fix with

me. The care is gentle and

caring, all questions i have

are answered to its fullest. I

am very happy with all my

care and the staff is great! I

would highly recommend

coming to see the Dr. and

the staff here. - Bonnie

“I fell off of my garage roof

and even though I felt fine, I

had difficulty using my arm

and my neck was in pain. I

went to Northwoods

Chiropractic and in about 3

visits I felt the pain and

stiffness leaving my arm

and neck. In a couple moths

I am very happy. No pain in

my arm or neck. I can sleep

without pain. Do all my

tasks pain free and it’s all

because of my adjustments

at Northwoods Family

Chiropractic. Thank you!

Dr. Kim.” – Rocky